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AAPD is committed to ensuring that all people with disabilities have the right to equal opportunity, to be economically self-sufficient, and to earn and save without jeopardizing access to the services and supports that allow them to live and work independently.

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Able Here is a community website for disabled people

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Informed and organized
Whether you are uncertain about going to college or you just need some reassurance you're on the right track, there are numerous good reasons to go to college

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Our mission is to help people achieve more active and inclusive lives – giving them independent access to a variety of activities that would be impossible without Active Hands gripping aids.

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ALISON is a global social enterprise dedicated to providing free certified education and workplace training skills to any individual, anywhere, anytime, on any subject over the web.

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Today's employers are embracing the hiring of candidates that bring to the workforce layers of unique perspective and experiences. Employers are fully aware that differences create pillars of strength in any worthwhile business, and the best employers proactively seek it.

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Frequently asked questions about applying to schools answered.

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There are a variety of schools out there, some small some large. Some public, some private. Some accredited, some not. What's the big difference?

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your source for career exploration, training &  jobs

The place to manage your career
Your pathway to career success
Tools to help job seekers, students, businesses and career professionals


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